Every year we have certain session that we feel bring the most to use personally for where we are at that point in time. This year I believe we had two direct hits.
The first direct hit for us was Ricky and Bernie’s session on “Teaching how to Teach”. People have been asking Gail and I to run a basic photography course for years. The hurdle for us was to find time in our already crazy life to pull a thorough syllabus together..Yea…Sorry... not happening! Enter Bernie and Ricky. They went over there own courses that they have taught and chiseled out from there personal experience and for what Gail and I agreed was a STEAL, wrapped it all up in a neat and organized package. Having a planned curriculum laid out in front of you is 90% of the battle. We would not have felt right about taking on the responsibility of making that kind of promise to anyone and not feel as if we could deliver. Happy to say thanks to Ricky and Bernie’s material’s we have already picked out some dates and will be announcing our first class to our clients shortly. Thank you boys!

On the last day of the convention, Gail and I were honored to be the Chairpersons for Jenn and Mark Garber. This was our second direct hit. It was kind of fitting as they were also a married couple running a photography studio together. Seeing their interaction was hysterical. Gail and I would laugh every time they jockeyed for the floor from each other. They paralleled the way Gail and I work in our business. Mark started off by filling all the guys in on one of the most important facts about wedding photography that I myself learned years ago… “It’s a women’s worlds”. I have said it a million times myself and is the reason I without hesitation handle the wheel over to Gail years ago. Their presentation was awesome and could have easily been spread out over several more hours. It was vindicating to see what Gail and I had done right so far and even more importantly what were not and where we could improve. Jenn, Mark… A big thanks to the two of you, we had a great time and we learned a lot. SORRY about the roof leak, we could only control so much = ). Remember, buckets and table clothes, buckets and table clothes!

Here is freind Mrs. Swift right on task again this year posting two more blues to her name.
Look at this will ya!...her picture still looks freakin’ awesome even after being taken with our little Canon point and shoot and scaled down!
Look out for the new kid on the block! New to PPAM this year and looking much younger then he really is (another good reason to hate him...just kidding Chris = )Chris Rioux stepped up to the plate with this awesome image appropriately named "Fear".

So when this print spun around during judging, everyone knew we weren't in Kansas anymore! My jaw dropped when I first saw it. It's funny, as wide a variety of work we see at comp, it is great when you see something that breathes yet another new life into the organization. This was futher verified to me when he was presented with the Kodak Gallery Award. Nice job Chris!

Not to be outdone, Mr. Steve Sedman himself showed him how the big boys do it. Look at this guy. If he won anything else he would need another arm!

Gail and I were happy to see are old freind Ted Dillard there. He presented the RAW and Smart Object Workflow session on Sunday. Ted has his own series of "Pipeline" books that can teach you everything there possibley is to know about digital photography and printing. He was the one that was responsible for pulling me into the digital world some 8 years ago. (Check this out, I look like I am pulling a great Deniro impression here..."are you talking to me?")
So here it is, one of my favorite parts of the whole weekend. The Print judging! To the photographer, it is 6 hours of gut wrenching anticipation. Waiting for your print to come around is nerve racking to say the least.

Like being forced by your parents to swallow that awful tasting medicine, you have to listen to what the judges have to say...like it or not. You can choice to listen or ignore it.
As for Gail and me, I think we did a good job listening to the judges advice last year. We went from one Merit worthy print (Blue Ribbon) to three along with a Special Judges Choice Award that I received for my "Heat of the Night" shot. Admittedly, I indeed was glowing as much as the print was = ).

Here is Gail with here first Blue ribbon called "La Ballerina". Nice Work Babes! Special thanks to our favorite dancer Elizabeth. We are very fortunate to her beautiful dancing talents grace our studio!

Gail was additional honored by our friends over at DSI when they asked if they could use her image in their booth. They printed both of our Black and White images this year that both Blue Ribboned. Thank you guy
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